Vinney Tolman

Vinney’s Back! Answering Personal Questions About His NDE: Vinney Tolman’s Story

When Vinney was 25 he died in a Dairy Queen bathroom. His original episode was so incredible that we invited him back for a in-depth Q&A session to answer some of the pressing questions about his Near-Death Experience that our viewers have had since being on the show. This episode explores how Vinney’s NDE has…

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How He Wrote Vinney Tolman’s Story “The Light After Death”: Lynn Taylor’s Story

After his near death experience, Vinnie Tolman searched for 15 years to find just the right person to write about his near death experience – then he met Lynn Taylor.  This is the story behind the story.  Have you ever wondered how embracing spiritual awareness and love can transform your life? Join us as we…

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Found Dead, Put in a Body Bag, and Taught 10 Heavenly Lessons: Vinney Tolman’s Story

When Vinney Tolman was 25 he died in a Dairy Queen bathroom and was placed in a body bag. After meeting a guide named Drake, Vinney experienced the afterlife and was taught 10 heavenly principles that provide incredible insight, comfort, and hope! You don’t want to miss this!  Vinney’s story will change your life.  ***…

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