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Choosing Joy Amidst War & Tragedy: Michele Green’s Incredible 90-Year Journey

When Michele Green was a little girl living in Vietnam, her town was brutally attacked by escaped convicts from...

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Guiding The Youth Towards Positive Mental Heath: Jeff Howard’s Story

Note: This episode discusses various issues that our youth are facing today, including suicide and how to recognize and...

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Sharing More About His NDE – A Year of Reflection: Jerry Paskett Returns to Latter-Day Lights

In this special follow-up episode, Jerry Paskett shares more information about his near-death experience, his recovery, the psychological battles...

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A Tragic Car Accident & Overcoming Incredible Odds Through Faith & Prayer – Shanna Arnold’s Story

When Shanna was 15, she and two friends were in a terrible car accident where her best friend passed...

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Navigating Life’s Storms and Finding Hope, Faith, and Redemption: Carl Hovey’s Story

In this episode, Carl Hovey shares several difficult challenges that he has faced throughout his life, from his family...

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Celebrating the Savior Through Music: Andy Lloyd’s Story

In this weeks episode, professional organist and composer Andy Lloyd shares his love and passion for creating beautiful, timeless...

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Jesus Christ: Easter Glory – Easter Music for the Soul by Nathan R. Bradford

In this episode leading up to Easter, Nathan R. Bradford tells the story of how he was inspired to...

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A Brain Tumor, 2 Aneurysms & Having Faith & Gratitude: Roseanne Service’s Story

In this episode, Roseanne Service shares her story of how God has been with her through several life threatening...

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